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100th POST AND.........

Nothing spectacular to feature! I am, regretfully, bringing shame on my fellow bloggers! They have all managed to dazzle us with outstanding 100th posts of their own and I will now receive the prize for the under-achiever! LOL. I have never kept silence this long since I started this blog and I apologize. I just haven't had the time the last couple of weeks to do much of anything other than work. Santa is indeed a slave-driver. In the near future, I will be able to share with you some of the fruits of my labors, but for now I have to keep these works under wraps until the people they were intended for get to see them first. And so, I leave you with a photo of me with my current "dazed from deadlines" expression in my best Christmas dress (yes, the Florida sun is bringing out my freckles and aging me prematurely! Yay!) I am heading back to the grindstone (er, drawing-board, in my case). For now, I leave you all with the very best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and/or any and all Holidays you might celebrate!